Oral Hormones (New)

  • Fluoxymesterone 10 mg

Halotestin Fluoxymesterone is one of the most powerful oral anabolic steroids. It helps to increase strength without weight gain caused by fluid retention.
Halotestin Fluoxymesterone, commonly known as “Halo”, is among the most powerful oral anabolic steroids available. The analyzes show that Halotestin is 20 times more anabolic and almost ten times more androgenic than the testosterone. It is also more powerful than Anavar. The Halotestin is a steroid with potent androgenic property but it has a low anabolic action.
Its active ingredient, fluoxymesterone, is a derivative of methyltestosterone, and is intended to be administered orally. Because of its properties, Halotestin is mainly used by athletes looking to develop their strength rather than their muscles.
Weightlifters and weight specialists that are required to remain in a certain weight class often use Halotestin because they seek above all to increase their strength without gaining weight.

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  • Clenbuterol Hcl 50mcg

            Clebuterol HCL is an oral anabolic steroid with multiple goals: in addition to keeping the increase of muscle mass, this steroid also causes thermogenesis and accelerates fat burning. Clenbuterol is the oral version of Ventipulmin and it is distinguished from all other orals anabolic steroids.

Athletes and bodybuilders use the drug due to its thermogenic and anti-catabolic effects. This is down to its ability to slightly increase the body’s core temperature, thereby raising calorie (energy) expenditure. It is thought that a 1°F increase yields around a 5% increase in maintenance calories burned. Studies on livestock suggest that clenbuterol also has anabolic properties.

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  • Oxandrolone 10mg

            Used at a normal and advisable dosage, the molecule Oxandrolone Anavar does not disturb the hormonal cycles, or metabolism because it aromatizes only slightly. The Oxandrolone causes fat burning and thus firmer muscles and optimization of powerlifting.

Oxandrolone, also known as Oxandrin, is an oral synthetic anabolic steroid, which is a derivative of Dihydrotestosterone. It was first synthesized by Raphael Pappo while at Searle Laboratories, now Pfizer Inc., under the trademark Anavar, and introduced into the United States in 1964. Its practical use is to promote weight gain after weight loss following extensive surgery, chronic infections, or severe trauma, and in some patients. Oxandrolone is also used to counter the protein catabolism associated with prolonged administration of corticosteroids, and for the relief of the bone pain frequently accompanying osteoporosis. It is also used as part of treatment for HIV/AIDS.

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  • Methandienone 10mg

            Oral Danabol was reported to be a highly effective mass AAS which provided impressive weight and strength gains. With higher dosages gynecomastia (bitch tits) was a common negative side effect. Obviously much of this was avoided by those who reported co-addministration of Proviron and/or Novladex. When stacked with a nandrolone, some gyno problems seemed to lessen.

This was probably due to Nandrolones aromatization to a weaker estrogen called Norestrogen and the resulting mild anti-estrogenic effect that results in moderate dosage administration. Methandrostenlone becomes active in 1-3 hours with a half-life of about 3.5-4.5 hours. For this reason, dosages were spread through out the day to maintain blood serum concentrations at an elevated state. Massive dosages just were not necessary since a single 10-mg dose has increase androgen anabolic activity 5 times over normal with a correlating reduction in natural cortisol activity of 50-70%. Males using 5mg per 25-LBS of body weight broken into 3-5 equal dosages throughout the day have experienced impressive results. At dosages above 50 mg per day, results were not progressively quantitative. Most first time AAS users who used a daily dosage of 20-30mg daily experience significant results over a 4-6 week period. Women should not utilize Methandrostenolone but a surprising number did report the inclusion of the drug in AAS protocols. For those who insisted, no more than 10-mg daily for 3-4 weeks stacked with a very low androgenic product minimized masculization type negative side effects. Side effects such as increased liver values (toxicity) “usually” returned to normal within a short period of time after use was discontinued. High blood pressure, elevated heart rates, gyno, heavy water retention, and acne were all frequent reported negative side effects of Methandrostenlone use. Some literature on this drug supports DHT- like activity. Finasteride “usually” prevented this effect as well as possible prostate enlargement.

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  • Liothyronine sodium 50mcg

            Cytomel (liothyronine sodium) is a product for a slimming cycle. This product acts on the thyroid. Great product for weight loss. In this case, combine it with clenbuterol. It is important to take this product during the morning with an empty stomach.

Liothyronine is a form of thyroid hormone used in medicine to treat hypothyroidism and myxedema coma. It is often sold under the brand name Cytomel. Liothyronine acts on the body to increase the basal metabolic rate, effect protein synthesis and increase the body’s sensitivity to catecholamines. The thyroid hormones are essential to proper development and differentiation of all cells of the human body. These hormones also regulate protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism, affecting how human cells use energetic compounds.

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  • Oxymetholone 50mg

            Oxymetholone has unusually strong androgenic effects. It can provide a huge increase in strength and mass in a very short time. Given that it has a considerable ability to retain water in the body, increases muscle mass are usually thick, with typical swollen appearance of muscle. It is used mainly in volume period, when it acts as a growth accelerator with a strong pump-effect and helps to maintain great level of strength on a high level for most of the workout. Moreover, it has strong regenerative effect. Many athletes also use it to protect joints at high load.

Oxymetholone is derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). That is, oxymetholone is basically a modified dihydrotestosterone. Other compounds belonging to the group of anabolic steroids are derived from DHT stanozolol, methenolone, drostanolone, oxandrolone as well as several others. Oxymetholone differs from DHT by the addition of a methyl group attached to the carbon at the 17 position, and the 2-hydroxymethyl group is attached to the first carbon on cycloalkane ring. These changes allow the oxymetholone to remain active in muscle tissue, where the dihydrotestosterone is normally disposed. The enzyme responsible for the degradation of dihydrotestosterone in muscle tissue is called 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. With the above chemical modifications, the enzyme does not react with oxymetholone. This allows the compound to stay active in the muscle tissue, and provide a very strong effect. Oxymetholone has anabolic strength in the value of 320 (more than 3 times the force of testosterone, which has an anabolic power of 100 value).It has also been found to have lower androgen strength (value of 45) compared to testosterone (value 100).

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  • Methyl-1-Testosterone 10mg

            Methyl-1-testosterone (M1T) was first researched in 1962. The 60s was actually an extremely active time for steroid research. There were literally hundreds of different anabolic agents that were being actively studied and pursued by drug companies. M1T had a very favorable ratio of anabolic to androgenic effect, so there was much promise with this compound. But like many other steroids being studied at this time, it was not selected to be developed as a medicine. There were only a select few agents that were given the money for full studies and eventual release. For no clear reason M1T was not selected and it lay dormant in the medical books for forty years. M1T reemerged in 2003 when it was introduced as a “dietary supplement” in the United States. Since it was relatively unknown, it was not specifically listed in the 1991 law controlling anabolic steroids. This allowed the company Legal Gear to manufacture it legally. M1T however did not last long. On January 20, 2005 a new law came into effect banning many new compounds including M1T.

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  • Stanozol 10mg

            Stanozol Structurally stanozolol is not capable of converting into estrogen. Likewise an anti-estrogen is not necessary when usiing this steroid, gynecomastia not being a concem even among sensitive individuals. Since estrogen is also the culprit with water retention, instead of bulk Stanozol produces a lean, quality look the physique with no fear of excess subcutaneous fluid retention. This makes it a favorable steroid to use during cutting cycles, when water and fat retention are a major concern. It is also very popular among athletes in combination strength/speed sports such as Truck and Field. In such disciplines oe usually does not want to carry around excess water weight, and may therefore find the raw mucle-growth brought about by Stanozol quite favorable over the lower quality mass gains of more estrogenic agents.

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  • Methyltestosterone 20mg

            Methylstestosterone is an orally androgenic steroid, that has a short active life. Methyltestosterone is used usually by powerlifters to stimulate the aggression and for those who are looking to boost up their exercising. Athletes usually are using it before their events or competitions, to have more aggressive and increase of strength, for a short period of time. Methyltestosterone is an aromatizing steroid, so a Post Cycle Therapy required with Clomiphene Citrate and Tamoxiphene Citrate.

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  • 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone 10mg


Turinabol is a new kind of modern oral steroid. It is a cross between methandienone which quickly increases the volume of your muscles and stanozolol, which is responsible for the quality of your muscles and strength.

The basis of the Turanabol 20 is 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, in its composition is very similar to methandrostenolone (methane), the only difference between turbine from methane in chemical composition is the chlorine atom. For the first time, pre-carpathian turinabol was invented in Germany in 1961.

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